Georgia Department of Transportation demonstrates connected roadways with Kia Georgia and Panasonic on “The Ray”

GDOT & Panasonic's Connected Roadway Partnership

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The Georgia Department of Transportation demonstrates safer, connected roadways with Kia Georgia and Panasonic on “The Ray.”
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), The Ray, Kia Georgia, and Panasonic demonstrated a fully operational connected vehicle environment along 18 miles of Interstate 85 known as “The Ray Highway,” utilizing the Cirrus by Panasonic® connected vehicle data management platform that detects real-time roadway events and communicates safety-critical messages to travelers about driving conditions. The partnership between the four organizations is focused on raising awareness of the life-saving potential of connected vehicle technology as well as deploying real-world use cases with measurable benefits. Showcasing GDOT and Kia Georgia vehicles equipped with vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology, GDOT can now deliver real-time situational awareness to drivers on equipped roadways in this key logistics and manufacturing corridor, a fast-growing region of West Georgia.

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