Connecting Vehicles for Safe, Efficient Roadways

CIRRUS by Panasonic enables instant cloud-based communication between vehicles, infrastructure, intersections, and the operations teams who manage them.

  • Utah Department of Transportation
  • Georgia Department of Transportation
  • FedEx
  • Colorado Department of Transportation logo
  • Utah Transit Authority logo
  • Hyundai logo
  • Kia logo

How can we help you with your V2X needs?


Traffic Signal Priority and Preemption

Traffic signal priority from CIRRUS includes roadside V2X hardware, network equipment, traffic signal controllers, and other in-cabinet devices. Get next-level visibility and control over an entire transportation ecosystem, enhancing safety and efficiency.


Traffic Management Insights

Intelligent transportation, from CIRRUS by Panasonic. We leverage real-time, connected vehicle data, meticulously collected, processed, and analyzed to create valuable mobility insights.


Device Management and Monitoring

CIRRUS by Panasonic makes sure your V2X hardware device network is working, so you can measure results and ensure it’s making an impact. The user-friendly interface and remote troubleshooting free operators to manage deployments effectively.

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