CIRRUS for Public Agencies

Connected Vehicles for Public Agencies

Scalable, cloud-based management for connected vehicle ecosystems. CIRRUS connects traffic management tools to deliver clarity for operations and confidence in results.

Traffic Signal Priority & Preemption

Traffic Signal Priority and Preemption

Get the full operations picture for signalized connected vehicle environments, including roadside V2X hardware, network equipment, traffic signal controllers, and other in-cabinet devices. See how CIRRUS deploys signal priority to make buses, snowplows, and emergency vehicles safer and more efficient, including:

  • Faster response times
  • Improved safety
  • Reduced property damage and insurance claims
Traffic Management Insights

Traffic Management Insights

IImprove traffic operations, right from your desk, by leveraging real-time, connected vehicles data, meticulously collected, processed, and analyzed through CIRRUS Traffic Management Insights. Hear from Carlos Braceras, Executive Director of Utah DOT and AASHTO president, on how intelligent transportation and connected vehicle technology are helping in Utah, including:

  • Informing stakeholders
  • Improving safety
  • Enhancing decision making
Device Management & Monitoring

Device Management and Monitoring

Get vendor-agnostic, device-level management of connected vehicle roadside units (RSUs) and other hardware regardless of installation location or configuration. That’s what the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), Kia Georgia, and CIRRUS did for 18 miles of Interstate 85 known as “The Ray Highway.” See how GDOT detects real-time roadway events and communicates safety-critical messages to travelers, including:

  • Streamlined monitoring
  • User-friendly interface
  • Remote troubleshooting

  • Fully Scalable

    CIRRUS is built in the cloud so that it can scale with your operations.
  • Flexible Use

    You can layer data from both existing and new sources, get insights from a collaborative approach, and make data available to all stakeholders simultaneously.

  • Safe Operations

    CIRRUS is being utilized in multiple states giving operators assurance that their infrastructure is working as intended and providing confidence that their investments are delivering value.

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